Where are they?
Often one of the first questions from a first time client/someone new to the world of mediumship and spirituality, “Where are they?” is a question that some folks have fears around hearing the answer to. Don’t fret! The answer isn’t scary at all it’s actually so exciting and one of my favorite aspects of communicating with crossed over loved ones is hearing their description of where they are at vs. what they expected (limiting beliefs from some fear based religious teachings have some people terrified of “hell” and to be honest as a kid who briefly spent time in church against my will I was actually terrified of the notion of a heaven full of “mcmansions” and the term “forever”) It’s my understanding that we all go to the astral plane after each incarnation (perfectly fine to call this dimension “heaven” or whatever feels good to you) Visually, at least my experience during readings and meditation, this place can look like many things, reflections of familiar scenes from our physical plane we call earth, sometimes it looks to me like space, except the stary lights look more like a neural network, similar to whats depicted in the movie Avatar or the lesser known Netflix show The OA.
I don’t hold on tightly to many specific beliefs around what this place is or should look like because I know that in my physical body, with the limitations of a physical mind, I doubt i’ll be able to fully comprehend the workings of this higher dimension we come through to experience life on earth. I do strongly believe we are energetic beings having a physical experience, meaning I think its quite fair and obvious to say our souls aren’t from earth, and our existence neither started nor ends with our experiences on earth. Another strong belief i have is that we reincarnate many times before our soul is fully satisfied that it has experienced the lessons, growth, and tactile yumminess that comes with ensouling the human body. I believe that once our entire soul family has all completed our time on “earth school” we leave the astral plane to other dimensions, to experience life on other planets among other things, in that sense WE are the aliens haha! So while we are still living and a loved one’s soul crosses over out of their physical body, where are they? The short of it is “everywhere” the limitations we perceive around space and time don’t exist in their plane (I’m no astro-physicist but i’m assuming scientists in our conventional reality have/or will also come to this conclusion soon enough) and for that reason i feel confident when I say your loved one is in fact capable of being with you all the time. I think our ability to perceive them as around us (you don’t have to be a medium to feel a temperature change, or a hug, or see a figure out of your peripheral, or even communicate with your loved ones in your dream space or through signs) sort of comes and goes because in my experience it’s like they are utilizing our energy, like a human battery, to show up in our perception, which if overdone can be exhausting (eventually i see the human body/mind evolving to a point where this other dimensional perception comes naturally and easily to all of us) but until then just know if that “feeling/knowing” you get when you know your loved one is around seems to come and go, it doesn’t mean they are gone, or tired of you, or reincarnating again without waiting on you, etc. they are there and can always be reached. It’s us not them I promise haha! We get distracted and caught up in the illusions of the conventional reality and it can be easy to miss their signs and communication, but they’ll keep at it and they get so so delighted when you acknowledge them!
So my interpretation of “where do they go?” Right here and everywhere. It may be a bit difficult for our human minds to comprehend that, which is perfectly fine, some of us aren’t on missions this lifetime to understand what’s happening in the next dimension so it’s no sweat if you or your loved ones aren’t interested in believing that our souls are expansive beyond time and space, but i think it’s pretty darn cool, and i’ve seen enough proof myself, how the hell else am I able to speak to your loved ones while talking with you over a zoom call if we aren’t connected to each other and them via some sort of energetic neural network? It’s pretty rad and i can’t wait for the collective who are caught up in the conventional reality to normalize our souls as more advanced entities piloting our bodies, who even after departing physically enjoy collaborating with those of us who are still here in our handy dandy meat suits!