Spirit Guides From My POV

Spirit Guides is a general term I like to use to describe souls and celestial beings whose job it is to support you during your incarnations on “Earth School”. These beings reside in the Astral Plane (some refer to this as heaven) and can be part of a few different celestial groups such as:

Soul Family—A group of souls you came to the earth plane with, but not necessarily the family you were born into or even knew in this current lifetime. These souls have passed on and are now guiding you through your current lifetime.

Master Guides—Souls who received an A+ in a specific area during their journey and now assist souls on similar paths. You can think of these beings as having “graduated Earth School”, but then chose to come back to teach.

Angels or Archangels—These are beings that exist all across mythology and religion, each with a specific area of expertise much like the Master Guides. You can call upon them for assistance in the same way many people may use the term prayer.

Some of them could very well be galactic beings I’m not even privy to understanding at this time, and that’s totally fine! The important thing is that they are only there to help you. They adore you, you are their pet project and they want to help you experience abundance, love, and joy. They are always working for you; arranging meetings, sending the perfect job, helping you find hobbies and causes that light up your soul, and on and on. The catch is, you have to ask them for help sometimes.

When we arrive here on the Earth Plane, the default becomes free will, which is what makes it such a challenging place to grow our souls. I understand this growth as being a journey from embodying fear—or lack of love—to being on the same wavelength as source. I use the term source in the same way most people might use God, but it doesn’t care about our labels so just call it whatever feels right for you.

When I engage my gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, and mediumship I am giving your team permission to assist you further in whichever ways you decide is best. During a reading, the connection is intensified because I am able to act as a bridge and translator for you, but I truly believe everyone has the ability to connect with their Soul Family. Don’t worry, your spirit team doesn’t need me to guide you, they stick around after our time is up and they are are always with you. I guarantee you’ll start to notice if you hadn’t already!


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